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Passive Modals: Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh

passive modals

Pengertian Passive Modals

Passive modals adalah kalimat pasif yang di dalamnya mengandung modal verbs. Sedangkan kalimat pasif adalah kalimat dimana subjek menerima aksi/tindakan bukan melakukan aksi/tindakan. Dalam hal ini subjek diberi perlakuan atau tindakan itu sendiri.

Modal Verbs terdiri dari: 

• Can
• Could
• Will
• Would
• Shall
• Must
• Should/Ought to
• May
• Might

Rumus Passive Modals

Present Passive:
Modals + Be + Verb 3

Contoh Kalimat

  1. The painting can be seen in London (Lukisan itu bisa dilihat di London)
  2. A new government will be elected next year (Pemerintah baru akan dipilih tahun depan)
  3. Your computer should be fixed (Komputer Anda harus diperbaiki)
  4. Employees must be paid on the last day of the month (Karyawan harus dibayar pada hari terakhir setiap bulan)
  5. The examination ought to be taken by them (Ujian harus diambil oleh mereka)
  6. Your accessories may be stolen by thieves (Aksesori Anda mungkin dicuri oleh pencuri)
  7. He might be given an award (Dia mungkin diberi penghargaan)

Past Passive:
Modals + Have been + Verb 3

  1. Your car could have been sold (Mobil Anda bisa saja dijual)
  2. I should have been told that yesterday (Seharusnya aku diberitahu itu kemarin)
  3. It might have been lost when we were travelling (Itu mungkin hilang saat kita bepergian)
  4. It must have been stolen last night (Itu pasti dicuri tadi malam)
  5. He may have been offered a better job (Dia mungkin telah ditawari pekerjaan yang lebih baik)

Read also:
Adjective Order: Pengertian, Urutan dan Contoh
Part of Speech

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