Preposition of time adalah kata depan yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan keterangan waktu. Preposition of time memiliki banyak macam seperti after, before, during, until, for, from dan lain-lain. Tetapi pada artikel ini akan dibahas preposition of time dari in, on, at dalam waktu. Apa saja perbedaan ketiganya? Mari simak penjelasan dibawah ini!
Preposition of time
Preposisi In biasanya digunakan untuk:
- Months (bulan)
In june
In July
In December- In England, it often snows in December
- Amel was born in February
- I’m going to Palembang in March
- Year (tahun)
In 2019
In 2020
In 1999- My grandmother was born in 1927
- America was discovered in 1942
- The Titanic sank in 1912
- Seasons (musim)
In summer
In winter
In spring- We go to the beach in summer
- The ski resort is opened in winter
- Century (abad)
In the 18th century- We are living in the 21st Century
- Times of day (waktu hari)
In the morning
In the evening
In the afternoon- They’re leaving in the evening.
- The baby sleeps in the afternoon
- I work most productively in the morning
Preposisi on biasanya untuk:
- Days (hari)
On monday
On Sunday- Pandu usually works on Mondays
- Let’s have a coffee on Friday morning
- It’s his birthday on Saturday
- Dates (tanggal)
On December 20th
On May 7th- Fae was born on February 20th
- The interview is on the 29th of April
- Special day/spesific time
On my birthday
On christmas day
On independence day- I have an exam on my birthday
- What are you doing on New Year’s Day?
Preposisi at digunakan pada:
- Clock (jam)
At 9 a.m
At 8 o’clock- The meeting will finish at 5:30 am
- The train arrives at 3:30 am
- I’ll meet you at 3 pm on Thursday
- Common expressions
At night
At the moment
At sunrise- He doesn’t like driving at night
- She’s working at the moment
Tabel Preposition of time
IN | ON | AT |
In July (month) | On Tuesday (days) | At 5 o’clock (times) |
In the summer (seasons) | On Sunday (days) | At noon (times) |
In 2020 (years) | On my birthday (days) | At midnight (times) |
In the 80s (decade) | On 1st June (dates) | At lunchtime (mealtimes) |
In the 20th century (centuries) | On 20th February (dates) | At dinnertime (mealtimes) |
In the past (long period) | On Monday morning (parts of specific day) | At Easter (holiday) |
In the morning (parts of the day) | On Tuesday evening (parts of specific day) | At the weekend (UK) On the weekend (US) |
In the afternoon (parts of the day) | On Sunday night (parts of specific day) | At night |
In the evening (parts of the day) | On Saturday afternoon (parts of specific day) | At the moment |
Read also:
Modal Verbs dalam Bahasa Inggris
Regular Verb dan Irregular Verb
Informasi Seputar Teknologi:
Caranya Begini
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