PRONOUNS QUIZ Posted on April 14, 2022 - 15:36 by faeries 480 Created on April 14, 2022 By faeries PRONOUN QUIZ 1 / 5 You are more beautiful than ____ hers his her Object pronoun biasanya digunakan setelah kata "than". 2 / 5 Amel congratulated ____ her herself her Ketika subject dan object merujuk pada orang yang sama maka gunakan reflexive pronouns. 3 / 5 My name is Harry. ____ am an Indonesian he me I Hanya subject pronoun yang bisa menjadi subject dalam kalimat. 4 / 5 This is ___ handphone. That is ___ my/hers my/her mine/hers Possessive adjective (my, your, their, our, her, his, its) diikuti oleh noun (kata benda) sedangkan possessive pronoun (mine, hers, his dll) tidak diikuti kata benda. 5 / 5 That book isn't ___. It is ___ my/yours mine/yours mine/your Mine dan yours digunakan sendiri (berdiri sendiri) tanpa diikuti noun. Your score isThe average score is 83% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz
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