Pengertian Past Future Tense
Past Future Tense adalah salah satu jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk membicarakan sebuah kejadian di masa depan tetapi dilihat dari perspektif masa lalu. Past Future Tense juga memiliki beberapa fungsi yaitu membuat prediksi, menyatakan rencana, membuat janji di masa lalu.
Tenses ini juga sering digunakan pada reported speech (kalimat tidak langsung). Dan bisa digunakan untuk kalimat pengandaian.
Kalimat Positif:
- S + Would/should + Verb 1 + O
- S + Was/were + Going to + Verb 1 + O
Kalimat Negatif:
- S + Would/should + Not + Verb 1 + O
- S + Was/were + Not + Going to + Verb 1 + O
Kalimat Introgatif:
- Would/should + S + Verb 1 + O…?
- Was/were + S + Going to + Verb + + O…?
Contoh KalimatÂ
- She would forgive her
- She was going to study English with her friends yesterday
- I would go to the market if my mom gave me some money
- Amel promised she would give you a gift
- My friends told me that they were going to visit Jakarta
- I wouldn’t forgive him
- Zizi and Pandu weren’t going to study English yesterday
- Would you buy me pizza?
- Was she going to come to my house?
Nah, itu tadi penjelasan mengenai Past Future Tense, Apakah kalian sudah memahaminnya? Semoga pembahasan mengenai tenses ini dapat membantu kalian.
Read also:
Macam Macam Adverb dalam Bahasa Inggris
Tenses Quiz: Present Past Future
Informasi Seputar Teknologi:
Caranya Begini
Simple Past Future Tense
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